Content Layouts

Joomla! provides plenty of flexibility when displaying your Web content. Whether you are using Joomla! for a blog site, news or a Web site...

The Joomla! Community

Got a question? With more than 210,000 members, the Joomla! Discussion Forums at are a great resource for both new and experienced users....

What’s New in 1.5?

As with previous releases, Joomla! provides a unified and easy-to-use framework for delivering content for Web sites of all kinds. To support the changing...
Component - Joomla! Extension Directory


Out of the box, Joomla! does a great job of managing the content needed to make your Web site sing. But for many people,...

Platforms and Open Standards

Joomla! runs on any platform including Windows, most flavours of Linux, several Unix versions, and the Apple OS/X platform. Joomla! depends on PHP...

Joomla! Facts

Here are some interesting facts about Joomla!Over 210,000 active registered Users on the Official Joomla! community forum and more on the many international community...

Support and Documentation

Support Support for the Joomla! CMS can be found on several places. The best place to start would be the Joomla! Official Documentation Wiki....